presentation sucks.
No, I’m not
happy. Obviously. It could be better. Everyone could do better. Too much I had
in mind that none of them comes upon the speech. Disappointed. Much.
The presentation
carry marks for our assignments (30%) It is a group work, and everyone speaks
the same issue, with the same reference. What differentiate one from another is
individual speaking skills. Not to say
much about what we had done, I’m just going to spill here things I didn’t mention in
my speech earlier.
the presentation is all about the 21st century educators which are,
of course, us, the presenter. I don’t know but I felt that things weren’t done
right. It annoys me how we were giving a speech (counting the text reading in)
which is really significant to us, yet, we’re too far to even understand what
is in the text. Too far.

This thing
bothered me since I am the first to finish my speech. I would say my speech
didn’t go well, and so goes to most of my classmates. There may be one or two
persons who did well, but still, we’re still having the same typical, classic
of thinking styles. We’re still in the box. Long way to go. Long way to go.
Moreover. during
yesterday’s lecture, we had learnt on how to think critically by using some
techniques and formulas. But then, I felt that whatever people want us to be,
wasn’t being shown clearly. People are just saying about critical thinkers,
social responsibilities, problem-solvers, high achievers, and so many that they’re
expecting from the 21st generation but heyyyyyyyyyy it’s not like a
piece of cake to build that ‘so-called-thinkers’. You don’t just say. Show.
Prove. Guide.

You don’t
just come up with an idea and suddenly wish to see a big change. No. It didn’t
work that way. What should be assessed first is the progress. Only then you can
see why things work, how it turned to this and not that.
Recently I
read a book which the writer stated that the most crucial stage of life for a
person is from 0-7 years old. This
simply means that learning and teaching values should start since kids are
still kids. Orang Melayu kata melentur
buluh biarlah daripada rebungnya. Gituuu. You don’t go to a 20-year-old guy
stating that they should be a critical thinker, just in a sudden or a short
time of period. It’s not fair to do so.
Skills are to
develop. You don’t learn them today and do well tomorrow, but you may be better
than a day before. What matters is progress. Don’t just expect, expect and
expect. Guide and show. We’re bad not because we weren’t told to be good, but
what else can we do when being bad is what you’re showing?
But then, how
can they show us when they’re unsure by themselves?
p/s : Esok ada kuiz tapi masih lepak tulis blog sebab kalau tak tulis baca p lah apa pun otak dok ligat fikir benda lain jugak. Living it my way. Berterabur but I said it finally and yes you may differ and I might change my mind (or maybe developing better thinking skills)
Senyum sikit. :)